Sensor Based Sorting of Ores

Apresentação (General information)


The course presents the state of Sensor Based Sorting (SBS) for mining operations.  While several benefits of SBS have been demonstrated, the technology has only been used in selected applications. Along with an increasing number of operations utilizing the technology, there is an increased interest by mining companies to assess SBS for their operations.  Since SBS is a relatively new technology, methodologies to assess SBS and its impact vary. 


Objetivo (Objectives)

This course will present a frame work to assess SBS, referred to as Sortability Studies.  The course will also present test programs, sorting systems and case study examples.


Público-alvo (Audience)

Master and PhD students

Professionals from the mining industry


Gestão de Projetos 1.jpg
Detalhes sobre o curso


Período de inscrições: até 23/08/2024

Modalidade: Presencial e à distância - Síncrono (ao vivo).

Carga Horária: 12h.


O investimento deste curso:


Valor do curso:

Profissionais da indústria: R$ 1.200,00
Professores e alunos de mestrado e doutorado de fora de São Paulo e de Universidades particulares: R$ 200,00
Professores e alunos de mestrado e doutorado das Universidades estaduais paulistas: gratuito


Forma de pagamento: 03 (três) parcelas mensais e consecutivas sem juros.

Local: Departamento de Engenharia de Minas e de Petróleo da Escola Politécnica da USP. Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2373 - Cidade Universitária CEP 05508-030 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil


Início do curso: 28/08/2024. O curso será dias 28 a 30 de agosto de 2024, entre 10h00 e 15h30


Para mais informações:


“Certificado FDTE”.

Disciplina (Course Outline)
  1. Ore Sorting
    1. Particle Sorting
    2. Bulk Ore Sorting
    3. Sensors
    4. Sorting Technologies
    5. Impacts and Benefits
  2. Sortability Studies
    1. Heterogeneity
    2. Sensor Evaluation
    3. Sorting Systems
    4. Economic Evaluation
  3. Test Programs
    1. Particle Sorting
    2. Bulk Ore Sorting
  4. Sorting System and Circuit Designs
  5. Economic Analysis
  6. Case Studies




As aulas serão ministradas de forma presencial e online e síncrona (ao vivo) pela plataforma Meet, permitindo a interação entre os participantes e o professor.

Corpo Docente


Bern Klein – Full professor at The University of British Columbia


From 1990 to 1998, worked as a design engineering on about 300 metallurgical studies aimed at designing processes for base metal, precious metal and industrial mineral projects. The studies were directed at designing processes involving comminution, gravity concentration, magnetic separation, flotation, tank and heap leaching for base and precious metals, solid-liquid separation and effluent treatment. The studies were conducted for a range of companies from junior exploration to international mining companies for mineral prospects around the world.


In November 1997, joined the Department of Mining and Mineral Process Engineering at the University of British Columbia. Taught courses in Comminution and Size Classification, Processing of Precious Metal Ores, Mineral Process Design and Rheology of Mineral Suspensions. In 1999, lead the efforts to create the Centre for Industrial Minerals Innovations with support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. From 1999 to 2008 served as Graduate Advisor for the Mining Department and from 2008 to 2014, served as Department Head. In 2013, lead a UBC proposal to create the Canadian International Resources and Development Institute and served as Acting Executive Director to launch the institute from September 2013- April 2014.


His research is focused on technology and innovation for improved energy efficiency and reduced environmental footprint in mining. The research lead to the creation of a technology startup company called Mine Sense Technologies Ltd that has developed novel sensor based sorting systems for the mining industry. The detailed CV can be accessed at: and the publication list at: or





A FDTE - Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Engenharia, reserva-se o direito de não realizar este curso, ou modificar sua data
